Friday, September 05, 2008

Asia - Day 3

Last night we had board game night with 40 local university students, and we had a BLAST!  When the evening concluded, they all hung out and continued to visit with us.  No one wanted to go home.  Several of the students exchanged phone numbers with us, and made plans to spend some time with us today.  From there, we went to Aaron Burger, where the team had pizza and burgers!  WOOT!  It was a GREAT evening, but a late one

Today we saw many great things.  We were planning on doing a video conference home to talk with the youth group, and to say hello to our families, but we didn't want to miss our daily time of Ti Jienza with the senior adults at the park, so we decided we'd leave early.  We arrived at the park at 6 a.m. and found our group just forming.  In anticipation of our coming back, the ladies had invited their Lao shur (teacher) to come and participate with us.  Several people who walked by mentioned what a "jing hao lao shur" he is.  He was probably mid 70's, and could handle the ti jienza like a mad fool!  It was AWESOME to watch.  But what's really cool is that the ladies invited him to come play with us.  Tomorrow morning will be our last day with them, so we are taking gifts to give them.  Each gift is a DVD and a pamphlet that has good news in it or on it.  Ask Dad to make sure they get watched, and that these gifts would impact the future of our friends.

We left the park to go do the video chat with our friends back home.  We had a really good time, and were very encouraged by each person's smiles, presence, and support.  Thank you to Austin Mc, who made that magic moment possible.  Our families came early and stayed late to visit with us live via the internet.  It was a sweet time.

From there, it was lunch with local American friends followed by an afternoon of eating and shopping with some new friends who are not like minded yet.  Thru the course of the afternoon, we shopped, ate, and shared Dad's truth with them.  We also touched base with some of the university students from game night and made plans to hang out with them.  I'll fill you in on that in a bit.  As a team, we went with some new Asian friends to a restaurant that serves JZ BBQ.  We were served scorpions on a stick, goat eye-balls, grasshoppers, chicken kidneys, silk worms, and much MUCH more.  I video taped the meal and will include it in the final video that I'll post when we get back.  Be SURE to watch me eat exotic, and watch the other team members nearly lose their lunch!  Yes, I ate scorpion, silk worm, fried grasshopper, chicken kidneys, goat eye-balls, and all the rest.

After dinner, Rebecca, Michael, and Lindsey headed back to the campus where they met up with some of the guys and girls from last night.  After some ti jienza, they shared and had some great conversation.  Two of the girls have asked for copies of the book to read, and all of them said that they would come hang out with us on Friday night at the English corner we will be helping with.  Ask Dad to bring them, and to continue to draw them.  The conversations were deep, direct, and very encouraging.

While the three amigos where at the campus, I continued to spend time with the man who took us shopping and to dinner.  We stopped off at Aaron Burger for a Coke on our way to the Night Market.  While sitting at Aaron Burger, I got the opportunity to share the entire good news message with him.  We dialogued for a long time on how to know you can trust Dad, how you can feel/hear/interact with Dad, and what a follower's life should look like.  I thought that he was very close to joining the family, but sensed he was not quite ready to make a commitment.  He did commit to ask Dad to prove He is real.  My friend is seeking, and has encountered Dad before, but just isn't sure Dad isn't a fabrication of the human mind.  It was a long, good talk that actually went from 6:15 up to about 8 p.m.  Please ask Dad to show my friend that He is real.  I am so encouraged by the conversation that I can't really sleep.  But I will as soon as I'm done typing this.  It's 11:52 p.m. and I still have video to capture.  I'll update you on the massages (1 hour for $9) and our last day at the park when I do tomorrow's update

Zi Jian.
Jason Bishop

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