Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Morning Bell

My friend, Ian Adams, is an Abbott in Oxford, England. He has a daily e-mail he's been doing called "Morning Bell." During the season of Epiphany, he's collected the thoughts and ideas of various theologians and shared his insight with me as a call to deeper spirituality. Today's really impacted me and I want to share it with you.

Metropolitan Anthony says: "we are a great deal more absent than God is."

See your prayer today as simply being present to God; who is closer than we can imagine.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh [1914-2003] was the Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchal Church in Great Britain and Ireland. To read more on Metropolitan Anthony, you can go here: http://www.metropolit-anthony.orc.ru/eng/

More about Ian: http://ianadams.info/Site/Welcome.html
Ian's Faith Community: http://www.maybe.org.uk

1 comment:

Ian Adams said...

hi Jason, thanks for this, pleased you are finding morning bell helpful. peace to you Ian