Monday, May 22, 2006


We're here. We landed in Los Angeles yesterday in time to worship with Mosaic LA at the Mayan. This morning, we arrived at William Carey University where we found the Wi-Fi cafe and are waiting for Origins to start. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'll post regularly to keep you updated. One cool thing so far is that I've met several people whose blogs I've followed like Dean Sharp, Alex McManus, & Sam Radford. Parke and I were talking about the weird dynamic that has been created in the blogging community. The blogging community has bred a sense of familiarity with people, the feeling that you know them and have access to them, when in reality, you don't. I've dialogued with many people through the blog-0-shpere, and never really thought about that. Now, I see people who have shared their hearts, share my passions, and still don't really know them. It's....weird.
Anyway, I'll post more later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man I'm looking forward to hearing about all that you have learned on your trip, so that I in turn can be educated.