Saturday, July 29, 2006

Routines, Cocooning, And Sabboth

I never thought of myself as a creature of habit. But, it turns out I am. I realized over the last two months that I need a regular schedule. I've always prided myself on flexibility and my "always on the go" lifestyle. This summer's hectic pace has driven home the reality that I'm not as young as I used to be. Consequently, my age has brought to light my need to rest and relax. So, last week and the coming week, I'm making the most of my time off. We have a trip scheduled for August 3 - 8. Until then, I have some time to kick back, and I've been doing just that. Have you ever hit the wall? I'm near it, but doing nothing won't fix it either. My natural desire is to flop and sleep. God's advice is to cocoon. It's what every Sabbath should be. Instead of freedom from activity, it's freedom to rest in Him, to be refreshed by Him. That's the season I'm in for the next week. It's a habit that I need to make sure I build into my routine.

I'm ready to get back into the routine of the school year. I just don't think I can jump back into the routine and hope for calm. I must receive my calm from The Calmer, and then slip into the routine. On top of that, though, I really feel that this semester will be one of supernatural progress for our family and our church. So pray for us, and pray that we are not blinded to the supernatural by the routine. And be sure to build some cocooning time into your schedule. You'll fare better.


The Missional Position said...

Here here. I can relate to all of it. Been to Spain, been to camp in Woodland Park, been building cribs and baby furniture and painting the nursery. Doing all the normal summer youth ministry stuff and preparing for a little one to join the family. I want to sleep for a week right now before the baby gets here. If you trip brings you to the Dallas area please get in touch if you have the time.

Chris Walls said...

Dude, I understand that wall thing! I am there. The good thing is I have someone preaching this Sunday and then I preach the next and then I am gone on vacation the next. This year the vacation a renewal experience for ministers and families our state convention puts on at a resort in Lancaster, PA

Praying you get the rest only God can give Bishop