Friday, August 19, 2005

The Journey Begins

Last night was the first official meeting of The Journey. We called out to our Heavenly Father to show us His will and His direction. We watched a compelling video re-expression of The Pilgrim's Progress, and then discussed our journeys and what life is like for everyone. From there we began to dream and share about what "church" should be. And, much to the credit of everyone involved, the discussion was positive and centered on the fact that we are the church. We discussed what our lives should be like. We came up with some things that are no-brainers, but essential for life:
A Life of Christ-like sacrifice: We should be a people who do as Christ asks reguardless of how we feel. We lay aside ourselves for the Cross of Christ.
People of Prayer and God's Word: We need to be people who are in constant communion with our Lord and Master. If we are to do His bidding, we must know His mind. And as flawed beings, that means constantly overcoming our flesh with His Spirit.
Ministry From Overflow: We don't need to fell like we have to be doing something to be on mission. We just need to be living life with Christ and allow Him to flow out of us as we do life. We will stress obedience over activity
Relational Disciple Making: The "bottom line" fruit or eternal work we should be about is bringing glory, fame, and honor to God by reproducing our faith in others. Our Master's last words before His assension were to go and make disciples. That's what we'll do, out of the overflow of our relationship with Him.
Ministry of Restoration: We will restore those who error, and we will do it in love with gentleness. We will invest in the lives of each other, so that when discipline must happen, it is given and received in love.
Breaking of Bread, Fellowship, and Prayer: We will have all things in common, sharing the elements of our faith with one another as a relevent expression of our love for Christ, and we will be all things to all people that by all means some might be saved.
So, all in all, it was a very good evening. If you're in the area, and would like to share in this fellowship of pilgrims making life's journey together, stop by.

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